Saturday, October 20, 2012

Showcase 2012-W42

First things first, a belated thank you — شكرا — to our first visitor from Saudi Arabia last week.  That brings the international roster up to 48 countries.  Second, this posting marks the final regular weekly blog post here, as weekly posts shift over to the Painterly Thoughts blog.  (Both blogs have a link to one another.)  Of course, we'll still post here on those Saturdays when the Salon meets.

And speaking of meets, that brings us to the third thing.  Going forward, the Salon should be re-christened the Salon deMalibu.  Should but won't; it's taken a lot of effort to build up the brand as it is!  Glen and Eileen are taking over the hosting role at their swanky pad in the Malibu East tower— which is not in California (aw) but nevertheless on a beach (ah).  You can expect the S deW and PT blogs to post an hour or so later on Salon days, thus allowing the blogmaster time for travel back to the Winchester lair.

Now that you're all caught up, catch your breath and then enjoy this synchronized art we made today on the topic of Things that Scare Us.  Plus, check out another new painting from today on the Painterly Thoughts blog.  Boo!

by Eileen:

December 1, 1958

by Marge:

Things Left to be Answered

by Jacqueline:

Return of the Wisbed Tree

by Glen:

Poltergeist, as Seen on TV

by David:

Bat Boy on the Loose!

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